How to get rid of "join the meeting" link from meeting invitation


I have users who are allowed to invite 3rd parties to the dial-in conferences, but at the same time they are not allowed to invite external parties to the online meetings. But the problem is that meeting invitation contains both information. How to get rid of the "join the meeting" link from the meeting invitation from those who are not allowed to invite people outside of company.

The problem is, that their external participants will click the link and receive an error. That error they perhaps forward to organizer which call to help desk and again unwanted phone call is generated and bad end user experience.

How big deal for the Lync Outlook Add-in is to send two messages using the same meeting and messag

August 19th, 2013 1:07pm

You could try transport rules on Exchange to strip the "join the meeting" link from invites going outside the company:

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August 19th, 2013 1:58pm

I dont think there is a way to identity the external user then hide the join the meeting URL.

When you send a meeting invitation to external parties, you can delete the meeting join URL. Only send a meeting with dial-in phone number.

August 20th, 2013 7:41am

Exchange Transport rules does not support text modifications: Transport Rule Actions

Unless you write an own transport rule.

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August 21st, 2013 8:44am

Actually then one idea which come to my mind is, create a group where you have all users who are allowed to invite people outside. Then write own Exchange transport rule which will be hooked to the Lync's meeting invitations which are going outside, unless email is send from some of those group member.

I'm not sure how much this kills the Exchange, but that is the worst case.

Then internal users still receive the link, but external users doesn't.

August 21st, 2013 8:49am

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